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A consumer platform aimed to curb information asymmetry.

Who am I?

Who am I? 

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Hi. I am Leela Tarang Krishna. I am a Lecturer at O. P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India. I teach several subjects in corporate law to both undergraduate and post-graduate students. I am a competition law fanatic - I am obsessed with competition and competition law, and I created this website with a particular goal in mind. 


What do I want to do?

I want to answer one question. That is all.


'How' does a particular law, business strategy, legal action, change in the market, or development (technological/otherwise), news, measure, etc., affect our choice as a consumer?

And I answer this question by understanding how everyone competes and how everything changes because of their competition. 


How exactly do I do that? I do that by creating and providing certain services aimed at empowering. 

Sunrise Over Mountain
Intentions & Goals

What do I provide for you?

Meaning & Logo
Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko


A mobile is made and sold by one company, using software developed by another, labour provided by the other, transported by another, distributed by another, under the rules and regulations laid by another. The same thought process can be observed for all products and services in the world. 

Effectively, all the companies and undertakings involved in 'making' a consumer's choice are competing at different levels with others who are providing the same/similar services. In a larger sense, they are competing 'for' the consumer's choice. These are 'Competing Competitions' that are competing for the consumer choice!

It's a beautiful picture in my mind. Do let me know if you want to discuss more about it. I would love to talk to you. 


What of the logo?

The stick figures you see are Tom and Pete. They are always in competition with each other, and one's purpose is to out-compete the other in almost everything they do. 

One starts a business; the other becomes the rival. One provides a better product; the other launches something big and crazy. Their battle is meant to determine, in a symbolic way, a consumer's choice. It's the idea that their competition defines the world we live in.


White Notebooks

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